

Vintel® is a complete Decision Support Tool (DST) developed by ITK for vineyard management. It is suitable for all terroirs and utilizes weather data to calculate indicators that facilitate decision-making throughout the season: disease risk (Downy Mildew and Powdery Mildew), water and nitrogen needs, and frost risk.

Compatibility: Raincrop, Windcrop

Culture: vine

Subscription: Weather Pro


Vintel®, for Vineyard Management

Vintel® uses data from Sencrop stations to provide modeling based precisely on the local weather of your vineyard.

The Decision Support Tool allows you to anticipate vineyard disease risks and protection renewal, water stress and recommended irrigation, nitrogen status, and frost risk.

This link is free of charge (there is a charge for registering with RIMpro):


What functions does this DST offer?

Empowering you to make informed decisions in your vineyard, day by day, Vintel offers a comprehensive suite of tools to track key indicators such as frost, fungal diseases, nitrogen levels, and water stress.

Diseases (powdery and downy mildew)

By evaluating disease pressure, vine sensitivity, and the effectiveness of protective measures, Vintel assists in refining your plant protection strategy, thereby reducing unnecessary inputs. Vintel also predicts the decline in product efficacy guiding you for a timely protection renewal.

Water stress and irrigation

Vintel allows water stress monitoring and optimization of inputs, aligning with your vineyard's production and quality goals while conserving water resources. Through the visualization of graphs displaying water stress, heatwaves, and weed competition, as well as personalized irrigation recommendations, Vintel ensures an efficient resource management.

Nitrogen management

Our DST tailors nitrogen fertilization strategies to your specific yield objectives and terroir characteristics. By modeling the progressive mineralization of organic fertilizers, weed contributions, and vine reserve formation, Vintel provides insights for optimized nutrient management.

Frost risk

We estimate frost risk and its potential impact on yield losses, offering early warnings and supporting your protective decisions.

Leveraging data from Sencrop stations

Vintel® delivers precise modeling based on the local weather conditions of your vineyard plots.

Ease of visualisation

Vintel supports you throughout the season with intuitive tools for anticipation, planning, piloting, and verification. Easily accessible via our web or mobile application, Vintel provides simple visualization of your indicators, ensuring that you can keep a close eye on all your plots and respond promptly to any emerging risks.

Collaborative platform

Our collaborative platform ensures seamless information sharing across your team, from winemakers to advisors, vineyard managers to farm directors, enabling everyone to access Vintel indicators with the appropriate level of detail.

Hoe verbind ik mijn Sencrop gegevens met een Advisemodule?

Verbind uw Sencrop gegevens met uw advisemodule vanuit onze applicatie. U moet al een account hebben aangemaakt op de partner app om de verbinding te kunnen maken. Hier zijn de te volgen stappen:

Vanuit uw Sencrop account, ga naar de advisemodule ruimte
Selecteer het logo van de partner in kwestie
Selecteer de zender die u wilt integreren
De gegevens van uw stations worden geüpload naar de partnertoepassing

Verbind uw gegevens met de advisemodule op de app:


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