
Sectormentor, created by Vidacycle

Sectormentor helps you monitor vines above & below ground, learn from trends and keep everyone in the loop. Easily predict yields, monitor ripeness, understand soil health & biodiversity, track vineyard activities and more. This software is built by viticulturists; simple to use and helpful for all sizes of vineyard. (We do also have a version for trees).


Turn data into insights

Sectormentor offers a number of different reports which turn data and observations into insights. Our Phenology Report combines bud burst, flowering, veraison and harvest dates with Growing Degree Days to map out trends in vineyard evolution with temperatures, year on year.

We work with some of the best viticulturists around the globe and so together we are developing reports that will also use rainfall and leaf wetness data.

Connect your Sencrop's data to Sectormentor from the app:


Quelles fonctionnalités permettent cet OAD ?

Sectormentor software helps you produce top quality grapes whilst minimising inputs & working with natural systems.

Swift data collection

Add observations on the go using your phone – no more soggy notebooks

Yield Predictor

Use your data to quickly make yield predictions as the season progresses.

Harvest Report

See your actual yield evolve & compare it to your predicted yield, in real time

Vine Health Indicator

Understand long-term health of the vine and availability of nutrients in the soil

Soil Biology Tracker

Simple soil tests you can do on site to better understand your soil health

Ripeness Monitor

Track ripeness of different varietals/areas, know when to harvest for top quality

Biodiversity Indicator

Record different species as you see them to indicate ecology in the vineyard

Map your vineyard

GPS map your sample locations so it’s easy for you and the team to find them

Comment connecter mes données Sencrop à cet OAD ?

Connectez vos relevés météo locaux à votre OAD, depuis l'application Sencrop. Vous devez déjà avoir un compte créé sur l'application partenaire pour que la connexion se fasse. Voici les étapes à suivre :

Depuis votre compte Sencrop, accédez à l‘espace OAD
Sélectionnez le logo du partenaire en question
Sélectionnez la station que vous souhaitez intégrer
La donnée de vos stations remonte dans l’application partenaire

Connectez vos données à l'OAD sur l'application :


En savoir plus ? Contactez-nous !

Besoin d’informations ou d’un devis ? Nos commerciaux vous répondent du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 18h au 09 72 60 64 40.
