Crop growth stages by Semences de Frances
Plant growth stages help you predict crop vegetative development during the life cycle, based on the accumulation of growing degree days. Sencrop integrates this model developed by Semences de France to help you monitor your crop as well as make better decisions for spraying or harvesting.
Availability: PRO & PLUS plan
Measures required: min. & max. temperature of the day. sunset hour (optionally)
Crops: forage maize, grain maize and sunflower
Predictive indicator of crop development
Weather plays an indispensable role during the crop life cycle, especially in germination. Thanks to this predictive indicator, farmers can make better decisions leading to reduced costs and higher yields.
To simplify the complex calculation based on the growing degree day,”, Semence de France has developed this agronomic indicator which Sencrop has modelised into its application.
On the app, you visualise on which growing stage is your crop and can anticipate the next one to come, based on your local data since the date of sowing.

Which uses in agriculture?
Herbicides and fungicides are safe and most effective when applied at the appropriate crop growth stage. It is an essential tool to decide whether the crop is at the right stage to spray and control its diseases.
During the life cycle, the crop will have different nutritional requirements. Visibility of your crop's current and upcoming growth stage gives the power to apply fertilisers at the right moment.
Growth stages also help you to know if your crop is ready to harvest. Harvesting is a complex process, be prepared for that and plan your harvesting activities.

How does it work?
The indicator estimates the growth stages based on the aggregate of degree days since your sowing date: the warmer it is, the faster the plant grows. Moreover, it takes into account the precocity of your crop, which conditions its growth speed: an early variety needs less heat to reach maturity than a late variety. Find at a glance the growth stage that corresponds to your plot :

During this stage, most of the growth remains under the soil surface. This protects the seed from potential late frost. And the seed starts to form its root system. As with all corn growth and development, emergence is influenced by temperature.

The flowering stage is possibly the most anticipated time of a plant’s growth. It sets the tone for the harvest. For example, in sunflowers, the number of set seeds is determined during this stage.

This indicator helps to estimate the harvesting date. For example, when forage maize has appropriate dry matter content (32%) or grain maize has from 35% H2O to 32% H2O. Forecasting the expected date of maize harvest is extremely important to maximize crop value and planning rotations.
Where to find this indicator in the app ?
Learn more about the growing stages provider

Semences de France
Semences de France is a French seeds company, the leader in certified agricultural seeds. It provides a range of seeds, decision support tools and agricultural services.
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