
Movida GrapeVision

Movida® is a Decision Support Tool (DST) for protecting your vines. It allows you to monitor the level of infection of the 4 major vine diseases: mildew, powdery mildew, black rot and botrytis. This tool has been developed by Bayer to help you optimise the protection of your vineyard.

Compatible: Raincrop

Crop: vines

Subscription: pro plan


Optimise your protection against 4 vine diseases

Monitor the risks of mildew, powdery mildew, black rot and botrytis simultaneously. Movida GrapeVision assesses the level of contamination for each of these diseases and indicates the right moment to trigger plant protection treatments. This allows you to reduce your fungicide TFI without compromising the yield potential of your vines.

By feeding the Movida GrapeVision model with weather data from your Sencrop stations, you can benefit from advice tailored to the reality of your field. The data communicated includes temperature, humidity, rainfall and hygrometry.

Movida strengthens the link between the technician in the field and the winegrower, making treatment decisions and the choice of products, including biocontrol products, more secure.

This link is free of charge (there is a charge for registering with Movida):


Which features does this DST offer

Monitor parasite pressure from mildew, powdery mildew, black rot and botrytis.

7-day risk forecast

7-day risk forecast for downy mildew, powdery mildew, black rot and botrytis using four different models. The tool setting is calibrated from the budding stage.

Overview of risks

The Movida GrapeVision dashboard includes a map of the vineyard. It provides an overall view of disease risk and the level of fungicide protection.

Health protection report

The tool provides a crop-by-crop assessment of actions taken and disease pressure. It stores annotations and photos of symptoms taken with the smartphone via the application.

Working with your advisors

Share your information with your advisors, oenologist or private consultant. You can filter by disease. Your advisor can add information and comments via the application when he visits your crops..

Local weather data

The Sencrop weather stations feed the model with weather data from your plots.

How do I connect my Sencrop data to this DST?

Connect to partner's DST from our application. You must have an account created from the partner application for the connection to be made. Here are the steps to follow:

From your Sencrop account, access the DST space
Select the logo of the partner
Select the station you wish to integrate
The data of your stations goes in the partner application

Connect your data to the DST from the application :


Want to know more? Get in touch!

Do you need more information or a quote? Our sales representatives are available for you from Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm, at +33 9 72 60 64 40.
