Seed production
Seed production demands particular technical sophistication and accurate monitoring that relies on being able to depend on growth parameters. Sencrop helps you manage production with a precise and detailed eye on the weather conditions.
Organising interventions
Monitoring irrigation
Sharing data (historical and real-time)
Estimating production

Anticipating risks and improving practices
The seed system sets in motion a number of stakeholders (companies that select and create new varieties, seed growers, seed production companies...), all of whom look for good-quality agricultural seeds with the best yields. Continuous, detailed monitoring of the weather conditions allows thresholds of risk to be defined so that action can be taken at the right time.

Climatic variations
Periods of extreme weather, which can weaken seed production, are occurring with increasing frequency. Hail, strong winds or periods of drought are risks that are important to quantify and anticipate.

Rain, humidity and temperature are key factors affecting the risk of disease. Close attention must be paid to these aspects in order to improve the quality and yields of the seeds produced.

Frosts are harmful to many crops, especially certain vegetable seeds. The damage varies depending on the intensity of the frost, the varieties concerned and their stage of growth. Vigilance is needed.

Optimal water management allows satisfactory crop development from sowing the seed, to germination, all the way to harvest, without excessive water consumption.

Growth monitoring
The growing degree day is a useful tool for evaluating and formalising crop development. It can bring any deficiencies to light.

Estimating production
Estimating yields and the levers of success for the seeds being grown requires detailed knowledge of the weather conditions to which they have been exposed.
Crop monitoring during seed production
Producing good-quality seeds requires that the environmental conditions that affect their growth and health are managed as well as possible through continuous observation.
Managing water resources
Irrigation is essential for the production of quality seeds in a number of species, such as maize. Bringing in water in the right place, at the right time, in the right dosage, is a key factor in your success.
The tools from Sencrop facilitate monitoring of irrigation and optimise water consumption in your plot.

Organising your interventions (trial, multiplication...)
Identifying the right time window for interventions is a key element in the success of your campaign, whether your crop is potatoes, maize, wheat or a multitude of others.
The readings produced by the Sencrop stations, which can be shared among all your collaborators, allow you to identify these risks while taking the weather conditions into account.

Anticipating the harvest date
It is crucial to estimate production and to anticipate the date of harvest in order to guarantee seed quality and proper storage. The Sencrop readings from the interconnected stations help you to evaluate the maturity of your crop and choose the ideal time to proceed to harvest.
These data can be linked to decision support tools, allowing you to follow the progress of the development cycle and anticipate the date of harvest.

Decision support tools
To make monitoring more specific, the data provided by the Sencrop gauges can feed into decision support tools that are devoted to all sorts of crops, or that facilitate monitoring of your technical programme:

They already put faith in us
Many partners in the seed industry already have confidence in us and work with us

Other Case Studies
To discover the uses of precision weather applied to a crop, do not hesitate to consult the various case studies carried out by Sencrop:

Find out how to prevent the appearance of diseases and pests (downy mildew, CPB, etc.) to rationalise your treatment windows.

Fruit Farming
Find out how to use precision weather forecasting to anticipate diseases and pests affecting trees (scab, codling moth, etc.).
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